The Silent Mutiny Demands

These demands are tentative and subject to revision at anytime.

June 24, 2024

Photo by Laura Jameson Pexals

These are the general demands of the Silent Mutiny.

1. The USA will take a leadership position and cooperate fully with the rest of the developed world to take sustainable measures to slow down climate change and reverse manmade adverse effects on the environment.

2. The USA electorate college system will end, the election of senators shall be population-based the same way that congress members are, and any attempt at voter suppression including putting obstacles in the way of voting will be thwarted, gerrymandering, and the refusal to let convicted felons vote.

3. The Supreme Court justices will be fully non-partisan, have 6-year renewable term limits, be held to a set of clearly defined ethical standards, and be impeached if they have been proven to fail to abide by those ethical standards. They and their spouses are forbidden to participate in partisan politics and political activities or accept gifts from these groups.

4. Citizens United will be overturned. Financial donations and contributions in the form of cash, gifts, and benefits to politicians will be limited and fully disclosed and approved by an oversight committee before they are awarded.

5. The churches' tax-free status will be abolished. The wealthy will be taxed at the same level as they were in the late 1950's and early 1960's.

6. Universal Health, Dental, Hearing. and Vision Care Insurance will be provided to all residents in the USA and pharmaceuticals will be negotiated down and covered the national insurance system.

7. The lives of people of lower economic statuses and all racial and ethnic minorities, including members of the LGBTQIA+ community and legal and illegal immigrants, will matter in the eyes of the law and have the same rights as any other race and those of higher economic status. The bail system will be abolished.

8. All women regardless of race or ethnicity will have a right to equal pay for equal work, to decide whether to have an abortion or not, have access to any form of contraception, maternity leave, paternity leave, and childcare subsidies.

9. Tuition and fees will be free for all levels of public education, kindergarten, primary school, junior high, high school, and university. Student loans for other expenses, graduate school, and the period one year after university graduation will be guaranteed at an interest rate not exceeding 1.8 percent. There will be new limits imposed on corporate-owned rental properties used to house families and students, and rent control will be enforced.

10. New drug policy will follow that implemented by Portugal. Possessive will be decriminatlized and users will be treated not jailed. Alcohol and tobacco shall be considered dangerously addictive substances and abusers who have lost themselves to these substances will dealt with in the same way as users of other addictive substances. Preferably through treatment, not incarceration.

11. There will be a tax levied on the glycemic index and alcohol content of all raw ingredients used to produce food and beverages. The same will go for dangerous emitted substances such as dioxins and phthalates in vehicle exhaust and products consumed on a daily basis. These taxes will be earmarked for education until the universal health insurance program is implemented. At this point, that tax will be earmarked for that universal healthcare insurance system and food stamp program that distribute dry bean, eggs, green vegetable, and toothpaste tickets to households or individuals that reach poverty level.

12. No media outlet reporting in the USA shall report stories as news if they knowingly change the facts or invent them.. Should they be found to knowingly to report any erroneous news or share any fake or AI-generated photos aimed to mislead the public, they are to pay a huge fine to the government and huge fines to parties they have damaged for each offense. Upon repeated offense, they will lose their news license and be forbidden to report anything but weather and sports.

13. The USA will never again align with itself with rightwing, facist, nationalist entities or favor one religion over another.. Nor will it ever again let money run the government or influence the law.. Being a totally secular government, it will never again let religion interfere with the government or influence the law. In fact, the constitution can be changed from freedom "of" religion to freedom "from" religion.




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