7. Will working hard make you rich?

Today four men in the USA own more wealth than the bottom half of America’s population. Very soon, they will not just be multi-billionaires, they will be trillionaires. And, thanks to them, you are having to choose between buying food and t-shirts this month or buying textbooks. Having fallen for Reaganomics propaganda, your parents just tell you to believe in yourself, work hard and kiss the ass of the wealthy. What else can they say?

By design, their finances are already stretched way too thin. There will not be enough left over to support them in their old age. The GOP are calling old people who get social security freeloaders. In fact, the only ones freeloading off the state are corporations and billionaires who get hundreds of millions of government subsidies and tax breaks. They love that government money. They hate socialism for the people, but they love it for themselves!

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The USA, the richest country on Earth, is the only one of the developed nations on Earth to NOT have universal health insurance, and it has the highest medical costs in the world. The average American family cannot afford a trip to a hospital emergency ward.