Your politicians robbed the middle class to give to the rich.

The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 marked a turning point in US economic policy and the implementation of a series of tax cuts for high-income earners, as part of a supply-oriented economic program known as "Reaganomics", fooling people into thinking the wealthy would invest more and create more job for them. In other words, money would “trickle down”. Instead, salaries have stagnated, one percent of the USA owns 40 percent of its wealth, and the middle class has become the working poor. Where once one money-maker was able to support a family, now it is very difficult for two money-makers to support a family.

The Reaganomics people, trying to fool the undereducated, blamed women, homosexuals, foreigners, heathens, and morals for “destroying the American way of life” instead of the wealthy for their failures, creating ”culture wars, which you see every day on Fox New and Newsmax. This creates good drama on the political stage and a good distraction from the unfairness and deception of Reaganomics.

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