Way back in 1970, the US government foolishly massacred unarmed students peacefully protesting the war in Southeast Asia at Kent State University in Ohio. This unfortunate massacre led to mass unrest at universities across the USA. These protests annoyed the warmongers in the government. The country’s big business people and warmongers decided that the kids (future voters and future soldiers) were getting to know too much and beginning to see through their deceptions and schemes. What did these political figures do? They used their influence to get the federal government to cut out scholarship programs and withdraw federal student loans (privatizing them). They also reduced support for universities, thereby beginning a progressive increase in tuition for university education. In this way, the powermongers believed they could punish the universities for teaching equality and peace and reduce the number smart-alecky young people who question the authority of old men in the USA (e.g., questioning capitalism, the corrupt relationship between money and power, and America’s war efforts to stave off communism and hold back the economies of other nations).

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