The half-educated conservatives in America carry on about the “radical left” and “communists” on TV. “Communist” is only a name pasted on top capitalist systems to fool the people these days. They wear the word communists on their sleeves like cuff links for show. Radicals? There are no radicals these days, but it is time for radicals now--quiet ones. The Radical Renegade rejects outdated or harmful societal norms. Four things can make you a Radical Renegade in the Silent Mutiny. Radical renegades (1) practice quietly quitting, (2) dump organized religion, (3) refuse to enlist in the military, and (4) refuse to give birth or postpone it.
1. Become a quiet quitter, a simple saboteur.
If you work in companies wasteful of the earth’s resources, stop helping them compete for more resources. If you work for companies that treat their employees badly, reduce your participation. Recently, there's a new term—quiet quitting, which I love. In China, they call it lying down. Corporations and business owners are frightened by the term because it costs them. The book the Silent Mutiny gives you a few ideas for this. Don’t think it does not amount to much. What would happen when 20 percent of the population starts doing it? Look at what the CIA in "Simple Sabotage" suggests that you do to disrupt things, especially on pages 28 to 32 for most of us. .
Here is an alternative location.
Some of the ideas have been added to the discussion section of this website under Radical Regegades.
2. Stay spiritual if you want but drop organized religion.
Stop wasting your time, effort, and money on religions that tell you are imperfect and try to sell your invisible forgiving god and pie in the sky.
3. Refuse to enlist and refuse to re-enlist in the military.
Stop serving in the military, a military that protects the interest of the wealthy, that attacks people overseas for resources, and attacks to destroy economies that the wealthy will later take advantage of. Refuse to enlist in a military that bullies people overseas but does not protect human rights of ALL your neighbors and citizens at home.
If you feel like fighting and protecting your people, you would be of greater service protesting in the streets at home. Be a real hero. Get arrested and jailed for a good cause. Win your Purple Hearts at home where it counts. Should the draft return, dodge it. If you can't dodge it, quiet quitting can be applied to the military as well.
4. Postpone or reject giving birth.
Postpone or reject giving birth. This will greatly reduce your use of the earth’s resources and your carbon footprint for 50 or 60 years during your lifetime as well during 20 or 30 years after you are gone. When you reject childbearing, you are reducing the number of future consumers big time. Men and women vow now to not contribute to the birth of any baby until you get the Supreme Court you want. If a fourth young people moved in this directions, businesses would be begging for mercy.