18. When will the wealthy know enough is enough?

Apparently, never. Continues economic disparity is their game.

Today insatiably greedy powerful people and corporations control of 80 percent of earth’s resources and wealth. Some of them have more money and resources than they could use in 5000 lifetimes. Currently, the Catholic Church owns more land than many countries and treasures beyond measure in the Vatican, yet its Mother Theresa gave dirty beds to the suffering to die without medication as she was declared a saint for seeing beauty in poverty. Jeff Bezo’s wealth could support the lives of 38,000,000 starving people for a year while he pays his workers next to nothing. They are not going to curb their greed. Look at Jeff’s yacht, for goodness sake. (Meanwhile, his pays his workers poorly and is anti-union, as is Musk).

The fossil fuel companies are going to tell you climate change is a hoax or it’s too late to save it, and then continue to sell you their false promises. They will continue to amass their fortunes, hoping they will be the last to fall when the whole thing collapses while the rest of us face multitudes of desperate people turning to terrorism or worse to survive. Officials, lawmakers, judges, and religious organizations all want that last piece of the pie, so they help the ruling elite fool you as they all rob you of your life and your future, bringing about apocalypses you will not notice until it is too late.

The oligarchs

The oligarchs are running the ship of fools, but they aren't going down with it.

You are.