Making it impossible to escape the trap of economic and social inequality.

So what do we have? We're all living in a carefully crafted matrix of feelings of self-doubt, fear, and feelings of inadequacy, competing with each other to get out of those feelings, and clicking false promises. We are feeling bad, obsessing over false promises, constantly consuming, as well as relentlessly and unsustainably buying up the world’s resources. The billionaires, corporations, and their gophers are hellbent on selling them to us for a profit regardless of the consequences. We are not going to be able to not going to narrow the obscene income inequality or save the planet until we stop clicking the bait. Regardless of whether you are a democratic socialist, a civil rights activist, a gender equality activist, an LGBT+ rights campaigner, a student advocate, a workers' rights activist, or a straight white guy wanting more opportunities, the chances of you making real change in your life or those of other depends greatly on your ability to stop clicking the bait.

addiction matrix

You gotta take a lot of crap to pay for those addictions!