The Silent Mutiny to Reclaim Your Life & Your Planet
The Silent Mutiny Explains How We Got Into our Income Inequality and Environmental Disaster State
Unhappy with your election results, the corruption of the Supreme Court, and your future prospects? Learn how the rich and powerful in the USA have screwed over its young people and the middle class, creating obscene income inequality, imperiling the habitability of the planet, and diminishing future opportunities. Understand the psychology underlying their control of you and your family. Any human rights or civil rights activist needs to know this.
The Silent Mutiny Invites You to Exert Your Power, Narrow the Wealth Gap, and Take Back Your Planet
Learn how you, no matter your age, can use targeted nonconsumption in your own trade war to powerfully replace Reaganomics with Veganomics and spur political and economic change without the government shooting you down. You are invited to become a renegade in the Silent Mutiny to reclaim your world through the controlled choice of what you do and do not consume. The democratic socialists and those interested in the equality between rich and poor as well as gender and social equality need to harness this power.
The Silent Mutiny Shows You, a New Renegade, the Variety of Roles You Can Play
Be introduced to the various kinds of renegades you can become as you engage in an impactful silent mutinous trade war against the corrupt billionaire-controlled establishment and the status quo. You can quietly dismantle the matrix established to suck you dry financially, work you to the bone, and rob the planet of its resources and your future. Swifties welcome. Know that this billionaire class and its politicians and media outlets are waging an economic class war causing great income and wealth inequality and fanning bonfire flames gender, race, and social inequality to distract you from the big steal. Only when you start fighting the real economic war will these other culture war problems (Gender, LGBTQIA+, Race Equality and Discrimination) disappear. This will work better than any protest for black rights, women's rights, or LGBT rights. And young men will find confidence and pride in themselves, when the system is not rigged against them economically.
The Silent Mutiny Activities
Here's where to find out about what the Silent Mutiny is and how you can participate.
The Silent Mutiny
34 short takes on the addiction matrix that the oligarchs use to make themselves increasingly wealthy, make you increasingly poor and powerless, rob Earth of its resources, and fuel climate change. These short takes show you how to regain control and demand change in powerful but discrete ways as a renegade in the silent mutiny. Enter.
Photo: Thanks to Cottonbro at Pexals
The Silent Mutiny Discussion
Guiding questions and prompts give you a deeper understanding of the issues introduced in the Silent Mutiny and how they apply to your life. Enter.
Photo: Thanks to Timo Shnichenko at Pexals
The Silent Mutiny Issue Update
Stay informed on income inequality, ogligarch control of the government, and climate change. Know about the issues, the threats, and movements toward fairer, more sustatinable people-friendly and planet-friendly solutions. Enter.
Photo: Thanks to Vincent Ma Jannsen at Pexals
The Silent Mutiny Shop
A little shop to purchase paperback book and e-book versions of the Silent Mutiny as well as Silent Mutiny t-shirts, mugs, and stickers to help support the promotion of this movement and get the word out. Enter.
Photo: Thanks to RDNE at Pexals
Contact Us
We are building a movement and organizing. If you are interested, please leave your alias and email address. Please, state your age, occupation, and location as well as interests. Your data will not be shared without your permission and we won't hit you up for money. Also we welcome any suggestions you may have for industries to target and allegiances to form.
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